Pediatrics Orthopaedics & Rehab Referrals

Comprehensive Musculoskeletal Care for Your Patient

Health is New Mexico's premiere pediatric orthopaedics and rehabilitation center. As the only academic medical center in the state, our specialists are on the cutting-edge of the latest pediatric diagnostic techniques and age-appropriate treatments.

Our clinics are equipped with the most advanced technology and services to improve and maintain your patient's mobility, communication and function.

Every pediatric patient receives exceptional, team-based care from multidisciplinary specialists. Our experts have decades of experience in the full scope of acute and long-term orthopedic and rehab conditions, including brain and spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, nerve injuries and scoliosis.

We will keep you informed of your patient's care and progress, every step of the way. Learn more about our pediatric orthopaedic care and rehabilitation services.

Refer a Patient

To refer a patient for pediatric orthopaedics or rehab, please call 505-272-4866.