LoboCare Network - Clinical Services for 猎奇重口and UNMH Employees

Employees and dependents enrolled in a 猎奇重口or UNMH employer-sponsored health plan are eligible to participate in the LoboCare Network.

How to Use LoboCare Services

  • Emergencies: If you have an emergency, dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

  • Clinical Services: available at Health System.
  • Choosing a Provider: All of our  and other providers will accept new patients qualified to participate in the LoboCare Network. If you experience otherwise, please let us know by calling the LoboCare Network at 505-272-8481. .
  • Daytime Appointments, Monday - Friday: To schedule an appointment with a 猎奇重口HSC physician or another provider, call centralized scheduling at 505-272-8481 during normal business hours and identify yourself as a 猎奇重口or UNMH employee or dependent.

  • Evening and Weekend Appointments: See which clinics and services are available evenings and weekends

  • Other Important Phone Numbers

Frequently Asked Questions

LoboCare Clinic was established to meet the acute and episodic medical needs of employees of 猎奇重口and 猎奇重口Hospital as well as the spouses and dependents of these employees. All patients should have a Primary Care Provider (PCP) and see their PCP when possible.

Yes, it is very important to call before coming to the clinic. LoboCare clinic is not set up to accommodate patients who “walk-in” without an appointment.

Call 505-272-8481 to schedule an appointment.

LoboCare providers do not have patient panels and can not be a Primary Care Provider. It is a very good idea to have a provider that is able to see you on a regular basis and knows your unique medical needs. You should see your PCP on a regular basis to address health care maintenance and chronic medical problems as well as get refills on medication. Studies have shown that patients with a PCP have better health outcomes.

Contact the LoboCare Network at 505-272-8481. They will help you get scheduled with a Primary Care Provider.

The clinic is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursdays.

The clinic is at 1101 Medical Arts Ave. NE, Building 4 Suite A.

From Lomas and University take Lomas south to Medical Arts Avenue, just east of I-25. Turn left on Medical Arts. Follow Medical Arts to then end of the road. LoboCare is the last building.

The 猎奇重口Hospital shuttle drops off and picks up patients at this clinic. Contact the shuttle for questions: 505-272-3976.

If you have a serious life threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room. The equip.m.ent and personnel in a hospital give patients with serious medical problems, the most optimal care. If you need to be seen urgently, and do not have a serious emergency, call 505-272-8481 to schedule an appointment. At times you may be asked to speak to a nurse to asses the severity of your problems and determine the most appropriate manner in which to meet your needs.

Emergency Situations
If you think you have a life-threatening health problem, call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room.

Nurse Advice Lines
Contact your health plan's nurse advice line if you are not sure what level of health care you need.

Extended Hours Available

If you need to visit a clinic evenings (all ages) or Saturdays (pediatrics only), use one of the following options. Please call the clinic phone number listed to schedule appointments at these locations.

Pediatric Emergency Room
Children's Hospital of New Mexico at 猎奇重口Hospitals offers a Pediatric Emergency Room that is separate from our Adult ER (one entrance for all). The 猎奇重口Pediatrics ER is located at , and is open 24/7/365.

General Emergency Room
The General ER is located at , and is open 24/7/365 to all ages.