Para Los Nińos Clinic (PLN)
PLN is a team of specialized healthcare providers who are dedicated to evaluating and caring for children and adolescents when there are concerns for sexual abuse or problem sexual behaviors. We provide comprehensive medical care, crisis intervention, child therapy, adolescent group support, and referrals.
Location and Contact Information:
Albuquerque Family Advocacy Center
625 Silver Ave. SW, 2nd Floor
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: (505) 272-6849 (Mon-Fri 8:00 am-4:00 pm, or leave a message)
Fax: (505) 272-6844
A: A follow up examination is typically recommended following a SANE evaluation to ensure that injuries have resolved, and that the patient is no longer at risk for a sexually transmitted disease (STD). We will also ensure that the patient and family are connected to necessary supportive resources.
A: Most appointments at PLN take 1½ to 2 hours. If needed, a school and/or work excuse can be provided.
A: If you are not the biological parent, please be sure to bring your guardianship paperwork. Adolescents 14 years and older are allowed to sign their own medical consents.
A: You may! PLN medical providers typically talk one-on-one with patients. A support person can be present during the examination if the child/adolescent requests this.
A: Free parking is available along the streets of Silver and 6th Street. Do not put money in a parking meter; instead, come to the 2nd floor and let the receptionist know that you are here for an appointment with Para los Niños. The receptionist will provide a parking pass that you can place on your vehicle dash board for free parking. If you don’t receive a parking pass, or display it on your dash board, PLN will not be able to refund any parking tickets.
A: Yes, just let us know and we will request an interpreter before your appointment. Interpreters may be available in person, via telephone, or via video.
A: PLN has a family advocate who meets with all families to discuss counseling resources for the entire family and help explain investigative and legal processes. The PLN family advocate can refer you to community resources, review what to expect in recovery, and answer any questions you may have regarding your child or adolescent.
A: The clinician will contact you about your child’s laboratory test results. Most lab results are complete within a few days of your visit.
A: If law enforcement or CYFD are involved in your child’s case, PLN will provide copies of the medical report to your investigators. PLN can provide a copy to your child’s primary care provider upon request. Parents can receive a copy of the medical report from PLN in person upon presentation of a photo ID.
A: We recognize that children and families enter our doors often feeling anxious and even scared. We understand and acknowledge this, and practice trauma-informed compassionate care. Patients and their caregivers typically feel much better and empowered after their visit to PLN.