
We encourage parents and families of loved ones with cerebral palsy to explore the following resources. For further help, please call 505-272-3000.

CDD Library

The CDD Library is home to the largest collection of disability-related resources in New Mexico.

CDD Information Network

Disability and health-related books, eBooks, and DVDs. Materials are available for check out or onsite use by the public. Early childhood tip sheets to help families find and navigate service systems are available on the website and in the library. Learn more.

Information Specialist Phoneline: 505-272-8549
Librarian Desk: 505-272-0281

Children’s Medical Services

(CMS) program provides services for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disabling conditions in children. It is a statewide program within the Department of Health, Public Health Division. CMS serves children from birth to 21 with chronic illnesses or medical conditions that require surgical or medical treatment.

Early Childhood Evaluation Program (ECEP)

Evaluations for children ages birth to 3 living in NM. ECEP addresses concerns regarding developmental delay, complex medical conditions, autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, behavioral/regulatory issues, and other specialized evaluation questions for very young children.

Phone: 505-272-9846 or 1-800-337-6076


Services families who have Native American children with disabilities or developmental delays in NM, including those with special healthcare needs, and the professionals that work with them. .

Phone: 888-499-2070

Family Infant Toddler (FIT) Program

State program that contracts with agencies to provide Early Intervention services in NM. .

Phone: 877-696-1472

New Mexico Kids Early Childhood Services Center

Services and resources for educators and families in NM, including childcare or professional development for early childhood educators.
Phone: 800-691-9067


Parents Reaching Out (PRO)

Works with parents, caregivers, educators and other professionals to improve the lives of children with special healthcare needs and their families, including training, advocacy, parent-to-parent connections, and resources and referral. .

Phone: 505-247-0192

猎奇重口Cerebral Palsy Clinics

猎奇重口Carrie Tingley Hospital has a regular pediatric cerebral palsy clinic and a low-acuity pediatric cerebral palsy clinic. A referral from a primary care or specialty provider is required.
PHONE: 505-272-4511
FAX: 505-272-5750

American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM)

AACPDM Mission: To provide multidisciplinary scientific education for health professions and promote excellence in research and services for the benefit of people with and at risk for cerebral palsy and other childhood-onset disabilities. Website:


CanChild is a non-profit research and educational centre located within the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Our research focuses on improving the lives of children with a variety of developmental conditions and their families over the lifecourse. Website:

Cerebral Palsy Foundation

Mission: Leading research, innovation, and collaboration that changes lives for people with Cerebral Palsy – Today. 

CP Channel – CP Foundation App


CP Now

Mission: To optimize the lifelong health, wellness and inclusion of people with cerebral palsy and their families.

We will accomplish this by creating educational resources, hosting wellness campaigns/activities and funding promising research focused on addressing the diversity of symptoms and conditions related to having cerebral palsy. Together with the CP community and our professional partners, we will work to advance neurorecovery, wellness and ongoing support for individuals and their families. 

United Cerebral Palsy (UCP)

Mission: UCP and its 64 affiliates share a mission to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with cerebral palsy, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and other conditions. The UCP network of affiliates provide services and support to more than 176,000 children and adults every day—one person at a time, one family at a time. 


We are a Community Parent Resource Center serving families who have Native American children with disabilities or developmental delays in NM, including those with special healthcare needs, and the professionals that work with them. Services include: Training, Advocacy, Parent-to-Parent Connection, and Resources/References. Website:

Parents Reaching Out (PRO)

Parents Reaching Out (PRO) works with parents, caregivers, educators and other professionals to improve the lives of children with special healthcare needs and their families, including training, advocacy, parent-to-parent connections, and resources and referral.

Phone: 505-247-0192


Cerebral Palsy Parent Association

The (CPPA) seeks to promote the quality of life for individuals and their families affected by Cerebral Palsy and other special needs. We do this by fostering understanding, communication and a vision for the future. Services include regular family support meetings. Call 505-272-5296 for more information.

Family Network of Disabilities – Parent to Parent

Family Network on Disabilities is a national network of individuals of all ages who may be at-risk, have disabilities, or have special needs and their families, professionals, and concerned citizens. The mission of FND is to strive for the complete integration and equality of persons with disabilities in a society without barriers and to serve families of children with disabilities, ages birth through 26, who have the full range of disabilities described in section 602(3) of IDEA. FND is a parent organization as defined in section 671(a)(2) of IDEA 2004. Website:

Family Voices

Family Voices is a national family-led organization of families and friends of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and disabilities. We connect a network of family organizations across the United States that provide support to families of CYSHCN. We promote partnership with families at all levels of health care–individual and policy decision-making levels—in order to improve health care services and policies for children. Website:

Contact Us

We are located at 2300 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107.