School-to-Work Transition

Studies have shown that transition for students with disabilities can be successful when systems work together while a student is in high school (Taylor, Morgan & Callow-Heusser, 2016). Toward that end, Partners for Employment facilitates collaboration, training, and program development for school-to-work professionals across New Mexico.

School-to-Work Transition Teams

PFE facilitates School-to-Work Transition Teams (SWTT) in eight regions throughout New Mexico. SWTT meetings bring together local school districts, NMDVR counselors, DD-waiver representatives, community service providers, and post-secondary programs who all have a role in supporting successful post-secondary outcomes of students with disabilities. Each SWTT meeting addresses a school-to-work transition issue or resource in New Mexico, and shares up-to-the-minute information from state and local stakeholders.

Meeting Links

All meetings will take place via ZOOM.

Spring 2025

North West Region

North Central Region

Metro Region

East Region

Central Region

West Region

South Central Region

South West Region

for dates and registration links to all upcoming SWTT meetings.

Project SEARCH

Project SEARCH is a one-year school-to-work internship program for 18-21 year old students with disabilities on the ability or modified graduation pathway. Project SEARCH is an evidence-based national school-to-work transition model that has met with incredible success and has been implemented throughout the US and around the world.

The entire program takes place at a host business and is a full collaboration between a local school district, New Mexico Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (NMDVR), NM Health Care Authority/Developmental Disabilities Supports Division (DDSD), a local long term provider agency, a local host business, and the 猎奇重口Center for Development and Disability Partners for Employment (猎奇重口CDD PFE).

Through braided funding and combined resources, these agencies work together to provide education and support to students for three 10-week rotations over the course of the year. Students learn different employability skills in each rotation, with the overall goal of obtaining competitive employment by the end of the internship.

Current New Mexico Project SEARCH Sites:

Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo Project SEARCH County Site Map
University of New Mexico Hospital, Albuquerque
Embassy Suites Hotel, Albuquerque
City of Deming, Deming (launching fall, 2025)
City of Farmington, Farmington
The Hive Education Center, Gadsden
Hilton Garden Inn, Gallup
Presbyterian Rust Medical Center, Rio Rancho
Central Consolidated School District, Shiprock

Interested in learning more about Project SEARCH?

  • If you are a transition-age student or family member interested in applying to one of New Mexico’s nine Project SEARCH programs, please contact Alex Rios at
  • – a 20-minute overview for sharing with prospective partners and stakeholders.
  • Read the March 2025 New Mexico Project SEARCH newsletter.

School-to-Work Transition Resource Library

PFE’s holds a growing catalogue of recorded trainings, print materials, and links to state and national resources. A sample includes:

  • Social Security and Employment
  • How to Work with DVR to Achieve your Employment Goals
  • Who are the Organizations Supporting my Goals for Employment after High School?