Pilot Funds — Applications
Funds are available to ÁÔÆæÖØ¿ÚCancer Center members through multiple pilot grant award mechanisms.
Please contact UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu for any general questions. Contacts for each pilot program are listed below for more technical questions.
Below is the RFA information for each award. To print, click to drop down the information, then print as usual.
This template is for any pilot fund that asks for the Pilot Application Face Page in the submission:
Pilot - Applications
Shared Resources Program Pilot Grant Award Program
The primary purpose of this pilot grant award mechanism is to provide funds for the use of ÁÔÆæÖØ¿ÚComprehensive Cancer Center (UNMCCC) Shared Resources to promote cancer-relevant projects that are related to the goals of the UNMCCC Research Programs and tumor focused Clinical Working Groups. It is also intended to support the acquisition of preliminary data that will lead to external grant funding and published work. Awards will be made to projects that will use the UNMCCC Shared Resources listed below:
- Analytical & Translational Genomics
- Animal Models
- Behavioral Measurement & Population Sciences
- Bioinformatics & High-Dimensional Data Analysis
- Biostatistics
- Flow Cytometry & High Throughput Screening
- Fluorescence Microscopy & Cell Imaging
All Full Members of the UNMCCC are eligible to apply. Other UNMCCC Members are eligible to apply if they apply with a Full Member as a Co-investigator.
Term of Funding
These awards are intended to provide funding for use of UNMCCC Shared Resources on innovative projects. Expenditures may begin at any time after the official start date but all funds must be expended within one year of receipt. Successful applicants must produce a progress report within 30-days of completing the project and must provide written updates to the UNMCCC as requested about any publications and/or grants resulting from the pilot grant support for up to 5 years from the pilot project end date. Awards may be up to $20,000 each. The number of projects awarded will depend on quality of applications and the availability of funds.
Key Dates
Application Due Dates: 5/15/24, 8/15/24, 11/15/24, 2/15/25
Estimated Award Announcements: 7/1/24, 10/1/24, 1/1/25, 4/1/25
Allowable Costs
The award(s) may only be used to purchase services from one or more of the UNMCCC Shared Resources listed above.
Application Components
A complete application includes the following components:
- Application Face Page (2 pages). Complete the application face page (see template Pilot Application Face Page) and be sure to include a 100 to 150 word abstract typed in 11-point Arial font.
- Narrative (2-page limit). The research project narrative must include the following content: (1) Hypothesis, (2) Specific Aims, (3) Background and Significance, (4) Research Plan, (5) Proposed Shared Resource Usage, and (6) Plan for Future Grant Application(s) Using Data Garnered from Shared Resource Use.
- Human Subject or Vertebrate Animals (if applicable) – Half page each (*see note below)
- Literature Cited (No page limit).
- Budget and Budget Justification (using PHS398 budget form) The application must include a detailed budget and budget justification. (Download Form Page 4: Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period located at: )
- Biographical Sketches (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Biosketch for the Investigator and other key members of the project. A modified personal statement is not required for this application.
- Other Support Form (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Other Support form for the principal Investigator (applicant) that outlines all current and pending grant support.
- Letter of Support A Letter of Support from the Director of the Shared Resources involved should be included. For applications utilizing the Behavioral Measurement and Population Science (BMPS) Shared Resource, please contact Dr. Dolores Guest DGuest@salud.unm to set up a pre-meeting to discuss staffing needs as well as the availability of BMPS staff for your project and its intended timeframe. After this meeting, the BMPS Shared Resource will issue a LOS to be included in your application. Applications without a pre-meeting and subsequent LOS will not be considered for use of the BMPS Shared Resource.
* Proposals involving human subjects and/or utilizing laboratory animals must have approval from the School of Medicine HRRC and/or IACUC prior to funding.
Submission Process
- Proposals should be submitted with all of the components compiled in one PDF file. Applications must be submitted by 5PM on the due date to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu
- Application narratives should not exceed 2 single-spaced, typewritten pages. Note that the face page, references, biographical sketches, other support, budgets and budget justifications are not included in this page limit. Additional supportive attachments are allowed, but they must be pertinent (i.e. protocols, IRB/IACUC approvals, letters of support, etc.).
- Complete the application face page. (see Pilot Application Face Page form)
- The required font for the proposal is 11-point Arial.
- Margins must be at least 0.50 inches wide on all four sides of each page.
- Attach biographical sketches (current NIH format) for all key research personnel.
- Attach an NIH Other Support form for the Principal Investigator.
- If available, please attach copies of the IRB approval and approved protocols for the project. All applicants are encouraged to submit IRB applications at the same time as the funding application due the potentially long time-line for IRB approval. Funds will not be released without IRB approval.
- Incomplete proposals or those that exceed the page limits (not including attachments) will not be considered.
Application Review Process & Selection of Awardees
Applications will be reviewed by a UNMCCC Pilot Grant Review Committee, a standing committee composed of UNMCCC senior leaders, program leaders and emerging leaders. The applications will be reviewed by two or more reviewers using the NIH 1-9 scoring system and review criteria (Significance, Investigators, Innovation, Approach and Environment). Additional review criteria considered will be relevance to and alignment with UNMCCC priorities and strategic plan and the likelihood that the requested funds will lead to a successful extramural grant application. After discussion, the applications will be assigned an overall score and ranked. The standing committee will scrutinize the proposed budget and may make recommendations to reduce the requested budget.
Based upon this review, recommendations for funding will be made by the standing committee to the UNMCCC Executive Committee, who will make the final funding decision.
Applicants will be notified of award status following the review by Dr. Tomkinson.
Award Management
All awardees will be sent a Notice of Award letter from CC research administration. Monthly financial statements will be provided to the PI to monitor project expenses and balances. All awardees will be required to submit a progress report within 30-days of project completion. Awardees must update this information upon request from CC research administration. All funds must be spent within the 12-month period; unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. If an award is terminated for non-compliance or non-performance, remaining balances will be returned to the UNMCCC.
Change in Status of Awardee
Awards must remain solely with the designated awardee and cannot be transferred to any other personnel. If a recipient decides to discontinue their work in the Cancer Center, the award will be terminated as described above, and unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. Likewise, if an investigator changes institutions during the funding period, the award cannot be transferred and the remaining balance will be returned to the UNMCCC.
Expectations of Award Recipients
Recipients of these awards are expected to actively participate in UNMCCC activities such as seminars, research program and clinical working group meetings, and relevant retreats. All correspondence, such as required progress reports and requested updates, should be sent to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu.
Additionally, recipients are expected to appropriately acknowledge the pilot funding. All material derived from the research supported by UNMCCC funding that is published or presented must carry a statement that credits the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA118100 and Shared Resources, where appropriate. Publications resulting from this award fall under the NIH Public Access Policy and must obtain a valid PMCID. Publications that cite the Cancer Center Support Grant funding will be included in progress reports to NCI.
Any questions about this pilot grant program should be directed to Alan Tomkinson, Associate Director, Basic Research (atomkinson@salud.unm.edu).
Postdoctoral Fellow and Graduate Student Matching Grant Award Program
The primary purpose of this pilot grant award program is to support postdoctoral fellows and graduate students who are carrying out cancer-focused research that advances the goals of the ÁÔÆæÖØ¿ÚComprehensive Cancer Center (UNMCCC) Research Programs and Clinical Working Groups.
Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows working in a lab headed by a UNMCCC Full Member are eligible to apply. It is possible for the applicant to have more than one mentor if the proposed research involves a collaboration between two or more Cancer Center members. Priority will be given to applications that enhance the development of research programs of new and junior Cancer Center members, as well as those that enable existing members to develop new areas of research and/or establish collaborations between Cancer Center members.
Term of Funding
These awards are intended to provide funding for innovative projects that can be completed within one year, funding for a second year may be possible and will be contingent on productivity during the initial funding period and competition with new applications. Expenditures may begin at any time after the official start date but all funds should be expended within one year of receipt. Successful applicants must produce a progress report within 30-days of completing the project and must provide updates to the UNMCCC as requested about any publications and/or grants resulting from the pilot grant support for up to 5 years from the pilot project end date. Awards may be up to $30,000 each. The number of projects awarded will depend on quality of applications and the availability of funds.
Key Dates
Calls for applications are released twice annually and will be sent to all UNMCCC members.
Cycle 1 and 2
Applications due: 5/15/24 and 11/15/24
Estimated Award Announcements: 7/1/24 and 1/1/25
Allowable Costs
The award(s) should be used for postdoctoral fellow or graduate student salary support only. You must also provide evidence that the balance of salary will be covered from mentor(s) grant activity.
Application Components & Submission Process
A complete application includes the following components:
- Application Face Page (2 pages). Complete the application face page (see Pilot Application Face Page form) and be sure to include a 100 to 150-word abstract typed in 11-point Arial font.
- Narrative (2-page limit). The collaborative research project narrative must include the following content: (1) Hypothesis, (2) Specific Aims, (3) Background and Significance, (4) Innovation, (5) Research Plan/Experimental approach.
- Human Subjects or Vertebrate Animals (if applicable) – half page each (*see note below)
- Literature Cited (No page limit).
- Biographical Sketches (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Biosketch for the applicant and mentor(s). A modified personal statement is not required for this application.
- Other Support Form (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Other Support form for the mentor that includes outlines all current and pending grant support.
- Budget and Budget Justification. The application must include a budget outlining salary support requested and justification that the remainder of salary will be covered by mentor(s) grant activity.
* Proposals involving human subjects and/or utilizing laboratory animals must have approval from the School of Medicine HRRC and/or IACUC prior to funding.
Submission Process
- Proposals should be submitted with all of the components compiled in one PDF file. Applications must be submitted by 5PM on the due date to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu
- Application narratives should not exceed 2 single-spaced, typewritten pages. Note that the face page, references, biographical sketches, other support, budgets and budget justifications are not included in this page limit. Additional supportive attachments are allowed, but they must be pertinent (i.e. protocols, IRB/IACUC approvals, letters of support, etc.).
- Complete the application face page. (see Pilot Application Face Page form).
- The required font for the proposal is 11-point Arial.
- Margins must be at least 0.50 inches wide on all four sides of each page.
- Attach biographical sketches (current NIH format) for mentor(s) and applicant.
- Attach an NIH Other Support form for the mentor.
- If available, please attach copies of the IRB approval and approved protocols for the project. All applicants are encouraged to submit IRB applications at the same time as the funding application due the potentially long time-line for IRB approval. Funds will not be released without IRB approval.
- Incomplete proposals or those that exceed the page limits (not including attachments) will not be considered.
Application Review Process & Selection of Awardees
Applications will be reviewed by a UNMCCC Pilot Grant Review Committee, a standing committee composed of UNMCCC senior leaders, program leaders, and emerging leaders. The applications will be reviewed by two or more reviewers using the NIH 1-9 scoring system and review criteria (Significance, Investigators, Innovation, Approach and Environment). Additional review criteria considered will be relevance to and alignment with UNMCCC priorities and strategic plan and the likelihood that the requested funds will lead to a successful extramural grant application. After discussion, the applications will be assigned an overall score and ranked. The standing committee will scrutinize the proposed budget and may make recommendations to reduce the requested budget or award partial funding with remaining funding awarded based on achieving specific milestones.
Based upon this review, recommendations for funding will be made by the standing committee to the UNMCCC Executive Committee, who will make the final funding decision.
Applicants will be notified of award status following the review by Dr. Tomkinson.
Award Management
All awardees will be sent a Notice of Award letter from CC research administration. Monthly financial statements will be provided to the PI to monitor project expenses and balances. All awardees will be required to submit a progress report within 30-days of project completion. Awardees must update this information upon request from CC research administration. If awardees apply for and receive an additional year of funding, second year payments are contingent upon receipt of completed progress reports and approval by the Senior Leadership. The progress report at the end of the first year of funding will be a component of a new application for the second year of funding. All funds must be spent within the 12-month period; unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. If the Senior Leadership terminate an award for non-compliance or non-performance, remaining balances will be returned to the UNMCCC.
Change In Status Of Awardee
Awards must remain solely with the designated awardee and cannot be transferred to any other personnel. If a recipient decides to discontinue his or her work in the Cancer Center, the award will be terminated as described above, and unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. Likewise, if an investigator awardee changes institutions during the funding period, the award cannot be transferred and the remaining balance will be returned to the UNMCCC.
Expectations of Award Recipients
Recipients of these awards are expected to actively participate in UNMCCC activities such as seminars, research program and clinical working group meetings, and relevant retreats. All correspondence, such as required progress reports and requested updates, should be sent to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu.
Additionally, recipients are expected to appropriately acknowledge the pilot funding. All material derived from the research supported by UNMCCC funding that is published or presented must carry a statement that credits the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA118100 and Shared Resources, where appropriate. Publications that result from these awards must abide by the NIH Public Access Policy and obtain a valid PMCID. Publications that cite the Cancer Center Support Grant funding will be included in progress reports to NCI.
Any questions about this pilot grant program should be directed to Alan Tomkinson, Associate Director, Basic Research (atomkinson@salud.unm.edu).
The University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center (UNMCCC) competitively awards pilot grants to UNMCCC members to develop and/or advance cancer-relevant research projects across the full spectrum of research areas (basic, translational, pre-clinical/clinical, and population-focused research). The intention of these pilot awards is to enable UNMCCC members to develop preliminary data necessary for the submission of cancer-relevant external funding applications to the NCI, other NIH institutions, or other peer-reviewed funding sponsors. Priority will be given to projects which promote inter- and/or intra-programmatic collaborations and/or have the potential to lead to translation of the science to the clinic or population. Applicants should include a plan and timeline for submitting an extramural grant application that will be based upon data generated with the support of the pilot grant.
All Full Members of the UNMCCC are eligible to apply. In addition to UNMCCC Full Members, other ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Úfaculty, scientists at our consortium partner LBRI and affiliated institutions (Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories), as well as faculty and staff at other academic institutions and community partners can also apply provided a UNMCCC Full Member is included in the application as a Co-Investigator
Key Dates
Calls for applications are released twice annually and will be sent to all UNMCCC members.
Cycle 1 and 2
Applications due: 5/15/24 and 11/15/24
Estimated Award Announcements: 7/1/24 and 1/1/25
Terms of Funding & Allowable Costs
Research project funding awards will be for a one-year period. The budget should be reflective of the individual project’s needs up to a maximum budget of $100,000 (direct costs only). Budgets larger than $100,000 may be requested with justification but should be discussed with Dr. Alan Tomkinson prior to development of a full application. Funding is available for salaries and fringe benefits of post-doctoral fellows, students, technicians, and other non-faculty project personnel costs. Laboratory supplies and other related research non-personnel expenses are appropriate. Funds cannot be used for faculty salary support, the purchase of large equipment, travel to scientific meetings (local research travel is allowed), office furniture and equipment, and/or computers.
Depending upon review and the project, partial funding may be awarded with the remaining funds released after reaching specific milestones. Requests for a second year of funding (either with or without additional funds) will be considered based upon progress during the initial funding period and availability of funds. Expenditures may begin at any time after the official start date, but generally all funds should be expended within one year of receipt. Extensions will only be granted under extraordinary circumstances. Successful applicants are required to submit a progress report within 30-days of completing the project and must provide updates to the UNMCCC as requested about any publications and/or grants resulting from the pilot grant support for up to 5 years from the pilot project end date. The number of awards will depend on quality of applications and the availability of funds.
Application Components
A complete application includes the following components:
- Application Face Page (2 pages). Complete the application face page (see Pilot Application Face Page form) and be sure to include a 100 to 150-word research abstract typed in 11-point Arial font.
- Project Proposal (3-page limit). Provide an outline of the proposed research project that will be supported by the award, including details on the team members and what each brings to the project. Include a section on the planned external peer-reviewed grant submission(s), outlining the mechanism and planned submission date. Literature cited may be included and does not count in the 3-page limit.
- Budget and Budget Justification. (using PHS398 budget form) The application must include a detailed budget and budget justification. (Download Form Page 4: Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period located at: )
- Biographical Sketches (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Biosketch for the PI and other key members of the project. Modified personal statements are not necessary for this application.
- Other Support Form (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Other Support form for the principal Investigator (applicant) that outlines all current and pending grant support.
* Proposals involving human subjects and/or utilizing laboratory animals must have approval from the School of Medicine HRRC and/or IACUC prior to funding.
Submission Process
- Proposals should be submitted with all of the components compiled in one PDF file. Applications must be submitted by 5PM on the due date to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu
- Application narratives should not exceed 3 single-spaced, typewritten pages. Note that the face page, references, biographical sketches, other support, budgets and budget justifications are not included in this page limit. Additional supportive attachments are allowed, but they must be pertinent (i.e. protocols, IRB/IACUC approvals, letters of support, etc.).
- Complete the application face page. (see Pilot Application Face Page form)
- The required font for the proposal is 11-point Arial.
- Margins must be at least 0.50 inches wide on all four sides of each page.
- Attach biographical sketches (current NIH format) for all key research personnel.
- Attach an NIH Other Support form for the Principal Investigator.
- If available, please attach copies of the IRB approval and approved protocols for the project. All applicants are encouraged to submit IRB applications at the same time as the funding application due the potentially long time-line for IRB approval. Funds will not be released without IRB approval.
- Incomplete proposals or those that exceed the page limits (not including attachments) will not be considered.
Application Review Process & Selection of Awardees
Applications will be reviewed by a UNMCCC Pilot Grant Review Committee, a standing committee composed of UNMCCC senior leaders, program leaders, and emerging leaders. The applications will be reviewed by two or more reviewers using the NIH 1-9 scoring system and review criteria (Significance, Investigators, Innovation, Approach and Environment). Additional review criteria considered will be relevance to and alignment with UNMCCC priorities and strategic plan and the likelihood that the requested funds will lead to a successful extramural grant application. After discussion, the applications will be assigned an overall score and ranked. The standing committee will scrutinize the proposed budget and may make recommendations to reduce the requested budget or award partial funding with remaining funding awarded based on achieving specific milestones.
Based upon this review, recommendations for funding will be made by the standing committee to the UNMCCC Executive Committee, who will make the final funding decision.
Applicants will be notified of award status following the review by Dr. Tomkinson.
Award Management
All awardees will be sent a Notice of Award letter from CC research administration. Monthly financial statements will be provided to the PI to monitor project expenses and balances. All awardees will be required to submit a progress report within 30-days of project completion. Awardees must update this information upon request from CC research administration. All funds must be spent within the 12-month period; unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. If an award is terminated for non-compliance or non-performance, remaining balances will be returned to the UNMCCC. Award of additional requested funds is contingent upon receipt of progress reports and approval by UNMCCC Senior Leadership.
Change in Status of Awardee
Awards must remain solely with the designated awardee and cannot be transferred to any other personnel. If a recipient decides to discontinue his or her work in the Cancer Center, the award will be terminated as described above, and unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. Likewise, if an investigator awardee changes institutions during the funding period, the award cannot be transferred and the remaining balance will be returned to the UNMCCC.
Expectations of Award Recipients
Recipients of these awards are expected to actively participate in UNMCCC activities such as seminars, research program and clinical working group meetings, and relevant retreats. All correspondence, such as required progress reports and requested updates, should be sent to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu.
Additionally, recipients are expected to appropriately acknowledge the pilot funding. All material derived from the research supported by UNMCCC funding that is published or presented must carry a statement that credits the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA118100 and Shared Resources, where appropriate. Publications that result from these awards must abide by the NIH Public Access Policy and obtain a valid PMCID. Publications that cite the Cancer Center Support Grant funding will be included in progress reports to NCI.
Any questions about this pilot grant program should be directed to Alan Tomkinson, Associate Director, Basic Research (atomkinson@salud.unm.edu).
Focused Interactive Groups (FIGs) for the Development of Large, Programmatic Grant Applications
The primary purpose of this award mechanism Focused Interactive Groups (FIGs) for the Development of Large, Programmatic Grant Applications is to assist groups of ÁÔÆæÖØ¿ÚComprehensive Cancer Center (UNMCCC) investigators in the development of cancer-relevant collaborative projects that will be competitive for extramural funding as large multi-PI grants such as P01 and SPORE grants or other similar sized extramural grant opportunities. Pilot projects must be a multidisciplinary collaboration between two or more Cancer Center members that links together existing areas of research strength and expertise within the Cancer Center and focuses on a problem that is related to the strategic goals of the Center and its research programs and clinical working groups. Projects may be across the full spectrum of research areas (basic, translational, pre-clinical/clinical, and population-focused research) and should have the ultimate goal of improving prevention, detection, and treatment of cancers that impact the multi-ethnic populations served by the UNMCCC. While proposals should make maximum use of the unique technologies and capabilities available at the UNMCCC through its shared resources and affiliated centers, applicants are also encouraged to identify and engage with collaborators at other cancer centers and institutions who strengthen the project by bringing critical complementary expertise, capabilities, and/or resources that are not available within the UNMCCC. Applicants should include a plan and timeline for submitting an application to one or more specific extramural grant funding mechanisms that will be based upon data generated with the support of the pilot grant.
All Full Members of the UNMCCC are eligible to apply and encouraged to form collaborative teams. These teams may include other ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Úfaculty, scientists at our consortium partner LBRI and affiliated institutions (Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories) as well as faculty and staff at other academic institutions and community partners.
Key Dates
Calls for applications are released twice annually and will be sent to all UNMCCC members.
Application Due Date - 5/15/24 and 11/15/24
Estimated Award Dates - 7/1/24 and 1/1/25
Terms of Funding
The maximum annual budget for a FIG pilot grant will be $200,000 per project unless approved in advance following discussion with Dr. Alan Tomkinson. It is anticipated that 2-3 years of funding may be required to develop competitive multi-PI grant applications. Applicants are encouraged to submit multi-year budgets tied to specific milestones/deliverables. Expenditures may begin at any time after the official start date, but generally, all funds should be expended within one year of receipt. It is envisioned that partial funds from the original multi-year budget will be made available to researchers with additional funds released upon successful accomplishment of milestones (key preliminary data, publications, and submitted grant applications). In addition to reporting when specific milestones are reached, successful applicants are required to submit a progress report within 30-days of completing the project and must provide written updates to the UNMCCC as requested about any publications and/or grants resulting from the pilot grant support for up to 5 years from the pilot project end date. The number of awards will depend on quality of applications and the availability of funds.
Allowable Costs
All funds requested must be justified based on involvement in a specific research project and linked to a planned grant application (with a specific date of submission indicated). Funding is available for salaries and fringe benefits of post-doctoral fellows, students, technicians, and other non-faculty project personnel costs. Laboratory supplies and other related research non-personnel expenses are appropriate. Funds can be requested to support studies at other institutions but cannot be used for faculty salary support, the purchase of large equipment, travel to scientific meetings (local research travel and travel to meet with external collaborators is allowed), office furniture and equipment, and/or computers.
Application Components
A complete application includes the following components:
- Application Face Page (2 pages). Complete the application face page (see Pilot Application Face Page form) and be sure to include a 100 to 150-word abstract typed in 11-point Arial font.
- Collaborative Project Proposal (5-page limit). Provide an outline of the proposed collaborative proposal, including details on the team members and what each brings to the proposal. The proposal should include milestones/deliverables and a timeline relating the milestones/deliverables to planned applications to specific extramural grant mechanisms. Literature cited is not included in the 5-page limit.
- Budget and Budget Justification (using PHS398 budget form) The application must include a detailed budget and budget justification. Download Form Page 4: Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period located at: .
- Biographical Sketches (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Biosketch for the PI and other key members of the project. Modified personal statements are not necessary for this application.
- Other Support Form (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Other Support form for the principal Investigator (applicant) that outlines all current and pending grant support.
* Proposals involving human subjects and/or utilizing laboratory animals must have approval from the School of Medicine HRRC and/or IACUC prior to funding.
Submission Process
- Proposals should be submitted with all of the components in one PDF file. Applications must be submitted by 5PM on the due date to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu
- Funding Proposals should not exceed 5 single-spaced, typewritten pages. Note that the face page, references, biographical sketches, other support, budgets and budget justifications are not included in this page limit. Additional supportive attachments are allowed, but they must be pertinent (i.e. protocols, IRB/IACUC approvals, letters of support, etc.).
- Complete the application face page. (see Pilot Application Face Page form)
- The required font for the proposal is 11-point Arial.
- Margins must be at least 0.50 inches wide on all four sides of each page.
- Attach biographical sketches (current NIH format) for the PI and all key research personnel.
- Attach an NIH Other Support form for the Principal Investigator.
- If pertinent, please attach copies of the IRB approval and approved protocols for the project. All applicants are encouraged to submit IRB applications at the same time as the funding application due the potentially long time-line for IRB approval. Funds will not be released without IRB approval.
- Incomplete proposals or those that exceed the page limits (not including attachments) will not be considered.
Application Review Process & Selection of Awardees
Applications will be reviewed by a UNMCCC Pilot Grant Review Committee, a standing committee composed of UNMCCC senior leaders, program leaders and emerging leaders. The applications will be reviewed by two or more reviewers using the NIH 1-9 scoring system and review criteria (Significance, Investigators, Innovation, Approach and Environment). Additional review criteria considered will be relevance to and alignment with UNMCCC priorities and strategic plan and the likelihood that the requested funds will lead to a successful extramural grant application. After discussion, the applications will be assigned an overall score and ranked. The standing committee will scrutinize the proposed budget and may make recommendations to reduce the requested budget or award partial funding with remaining funding awarded based on achieving specific milestones.
Based upon this review, recommendations for funding will be made by the standing committee to the UNMCCC Executive Committee, who will make the final funding decision.
Applicants will be notified of award status following the review by Dr. Tomkinson.
Award Management
All awardees will be sent a Notice of Award letter from CC research administration. Monthly financial statements will be provided to the PI to monitor project expenses and balances. All awardees are required to submit a progress report within 30-days of project completion. Awardees must update this information upon request from CC research administration. All funds must be spent within the 12-month period; unused funds will be returned to the central Cancer Center budget for redistribution during the next budget cycle. If an award is terminated for non-compliance or non-performance, remaining balances will be returned to the central Cancer Center budget for redistribution within the next award cycle. Award of additional requested funds is contingent upon receipt of progress reports and approval by Cancer Center Senior Leadership.
Change in Status of Awardee
Awards must remain solely with the designated awardee and cannot be transferred to any other personnel. If a recipient decides to discontinue his or her work in the Cancer Center, the award will be terminated as described above, and unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. Likewise, if an investigator awardee changes institutions during the funding period, the award cannot be transferred and the remaining balance will be returned to the UNMCCC.
Expectations of Award Recipients
Recipients of these awards are expected to actively participate in UNMCCC activities such as seminars, research program and clinical working group meetings, and relevant retreats. All correspondence, such as required progress reports and requested updates, should be sent to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu.
Additionally, recipients are expected to appropriately acknowledge the pilot funding. All material derived from the research supported by UNMCCC funding that is published or presented must carry a statement that credits the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA118100 and Shared Resources, where appropriate. Publications that result from these awards must abide by the NIH Public Access Policy and obtain a valid PMCID. Publications that cite the Cancer Center Support Grant funding will be included in progress reports to NCI.
Any questions about this pilot grant program should be directed to Alan Tomkinson, Associate Director, Basic Research (atomkinson@salud.unm.edu).
The primary purpose of this bridge funding program is to support ÁÔÆæÖØ¿ÚComprehensive Cancer Center (UNMCCC) members through a period of low external funding, thereby enabling them to continue their research program and regain external peer-reviewed funding.
All Full Members of the UNMCCC are eligible to apply. For awarded applicants who do not have an active Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between their home department and the Cancer Center, there may be negotiations between the Cancer Center and the department regarding the distribution of returned indirect costs from any extramural grants awarded as result of the bridge funding.
Term of Funding
Bridge funding awards will be for a one-year period with a maximum budget of $100,000 (direct costs only). Requests for a second year of funding will be considered based upon progress (publications and submitted grant applications) during the initial funding period and availability of funds. Expenditures may begin at any time after the official start date but generally all funds should be expended within one year of receipt. Successful applicants must participate in the UNMCCC Mock Grant Review Program and produce a progress report within 30-days of completing the project and must provide written updates to the UNMCCC as requested about any publications and/or grants resulting from the pilot grant support for up to 5 years from the pilot project end date. The number of awards will depend on quality of applications and the availability of funds.
Key Dates
Calls for applications are released twice annually and will be sent to all UNMCCC members.
Application Due Date - 5/15/24 and 11/15/24
Estimated Award Announcements - 7/1/24 and 1/1/25
Allowable Costs
All funds requested must be justified based on involvement in a specific research project and linked to a planned grant application (with a specific date of submission indicated). The maximum one-year budget will be $100,000 (direct costs only). Funding is available for salaries and fringe benefits of post-doctoral fellows, students, technicians, and other non-faculty project personnel costs. Laboratory supplies and other related research non-personnel expenses are appropriate. Funds cannot be used for faculty salary support, the purchase of large equipment, travel to scientific meetings (local research travel is allowed), office furniture and equipment, and/or computers.
Application Components
A complete application includes the following components:
- Application Face Page (2 pages). Complete the application face page (see Pilot Application Face Page form) and be sure to include a 100 to 150 word research abstract typed in 11-point Arial font.
- Cover Letter that addresses the following aspects of the request:
- Title and focus of bridge funding associated research project.
- The planned extramural grant mechanism and proposed submission. Note that preference for funding will be giving to applicants whose planned future submissions are to the NCI and/or other NIH institutes.
- Funding Proposal (3-page limit). Provide an outline of the proposed research project that will be supported by the bridge funding and describe how this will contribute to the overall research program of the UNMCCC member. All current laboratory personnel should be described in terms of their research role and sources of their current and planned salary support. Finally, include a section on the planned external peer-reviewed grant submission(s), outlining the mechanism and submission date. This section should also include an explicit description of why the bridge funds are needed.
- Justification of Need (2-page limit). Provide a justification of need for bridging funds, that includes details on past productivity and what is being done/will be done over the bridge funding period to set up the applicant to successfully compete for external peer-review funding (i.e. manuscripts being submitted, additional preliminary data being collected).
- Literature Cited (No page limit).
- Biographical Sketches (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Biosketch for the Principal Investigator and other key members of the project. Modified personal statements are not necessary for this application.
- Other Support (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Other Support form for the Principal Investigator outlining all current and pending grant support. Additionally, include a section of the document that lists all grant applications submitted and not funded over the previous three years. For each of these grants, include details on the “outcome”, i.e. Score and Percentile / “Not Discussed”. Provide copies of all relevant unsuccessful and/or pending grant applications (abstract, specific aims, and research strategy), as well as any received critiques for the unsuccessful applications.
- Budget and Budget Justification. (using PHS398 budget form) The application must include a detailed budget and budget justification. (Download Form Page 4: Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period located at: .)
* Proposals involving human subjects and/or utilizing laboratory animals must have approval from the School of Medicine HRRC and/or IACUC prior to funding.
Submission Process
- Proposals should be submitted with all of the components in one PDF file. Applications must be submitted by 5PM on the due date to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu
- Funding Proposals and Justification of Need should not exceed 5 single-spaced, typewritten pages. Note that the cover letter, face page, references, biographical sketches, other support, budgets and budget justifications are not included in this page limit. Additional supportive attachments are allowed, but they must be pertinent (i.e. protocols, IRB/IACUC approvals, letters of support, etc.).
- Complete the application face page. (see Pilot Application Face Page form)
- The required font for the proposal is 11-point Arial.
- Margins must be at least 0.50 inches wide on all four sides of each page.
- Attach biographical sketches (current NIH format) for the PI and all key research personnel.
- Attach an NIH Other Support form for the Principal Investigator.
- If pertinent, please attach copies of the IRB approval and approved protocols for the project. All applicants are encouraged to submit IRB applications at the same time as the funding application due the potentially long time-line for IRB approval. Funds will not be released without IRB approval.
- Incomplete proposals or those that exceed the page limits (not including attachments) will not be considered.
Application Review Process & Selection of Awardees
Applications will be reviewed by a UNMCCC Pilot Grant Review Committee, a standing committee composed of UNMCCC senior leaders, program leaders and emerging leaders. The applications will be reviewed by two or more reviewers using the NIH 1-9 scoring system and review criteria (Significance, Investigators, Innovation, Approach and Environment). Applicants will also be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Recent publication record (evaluted for the previous 5 years), submitted manuscripts and manuscripts in preparation;
- Current and previous extramural funding (evaluated for the previous 5 years);
- Recent grant submission activity with information about the fate of submitted applications, including study section critiques;
- Commitment to submit applications with defined deadlines (priority will be given to applicants whose future grant applications will be submitted to the NCI and/or other NIH institutes; and
- Contributions to the Cancer Center.
The standing committee will also scrutinize the proposed budget and may make recommendations to reduce the requested budget.
Based upon this review, recommendations for funding will be made by the standing committee to the UNMCCC Executive Committee, who will make the final funding decision.
Applicants will be notified of award status following the review by Dr. Tomkinson.
Award Management
All awardees will be sent a Notice of Award letter from CC research administration. Monthly financial statements will be provided to the PI to monitor project expenses and balances. All awardees will be required to submit a progress report within 30-days of project completion. Awardees must update this information upon request from CC research administration. All funds must be spent within the 12-month period; unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. If an award is terminated for non-compliance or non-performance, remaining balances will be returned to the UNMCCC. If awardees apply for and receive an additional year of funding, second year payments are contingent upon receipt of progress reports and approval by Cancer Center Senior Leadership.
Change In Status Of Awardee
Awards must remain solely with the designated awardee and cannot be transferred to any other personnel. If a recipient decides to discontinue his or her work in the UNMCCC, the award will be terminated as described above, and unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. Likewise, if an investigator awardee changes institutions during the funding period, the award cannot be transferred and the remaining balance will be returned to the central UNMCCC budget.
Expectations of Award Recipients
Recipients of these awards are expected to actively participate in UNMCCC activities such as seminars, research program and clinical working group meetings, and relevant retreats. All correspondence, such as required progress reports and requested updates, should be sent to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu.
Additionally, recipients are expected to appropriately acknowledge the pilot funding. All material derived from the research supported by UNMCCC funding that is published or presented must carry a statement that credits the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA118100 and Shared Resources, where appropriate. Publications resulting from this award fall under the NIH Public Access Policy and must obtain a valid PMCID. Publications that cite the Cancer Center Support Grant funding will be included in progress reports to NCI.
Any questions about this pilot grant program should be directed to Alan Tomkinson, Associate Director, Basic Research (atomkinson@salud.unm.edu).
Developmental Funds Mechanism to Support Investigators with the Resubmission of Grant Applications with Scores Near the Pay Line
The primary purpose of this developmental funds pilot program mechanism is to support ÁÔÆæÖØ¿ÚComprehensive Cancer Center (UNMCCC) investigators with the resubmission of grant applications that received initial scores near to the pay line (30th percentile or less).Eligibility
All Full Members of the UNMCCC whose initial grant applications to the NIH were scored close to the pay line (30th percentile or less) and are planning a resubmission are eligible to apply. Applications that scored above the 30th percentile will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The review committee will consider other funding available to the PI including UNMCCC start-up funds and pilot grants when making funding decisions.Term of Funding
These awards are intended to support investigators with resubmission of grant applications to the NIH that were scored close scored close to the pay line (30th percentile or less). These awards are for a one-year period. Expenditures may begin at any time after the official start date but all funds must be expended within the award period and used to develop additional data needed for a successful resubmission of the original application. Resubmission must occur within 2 cycles. Successful applicants must participate in the UNMCCC Mock Grant Review Program and are required to submit a progress report within 30-days of the award end date. No cost extensions will not be allowed on this mechanism and funds not expended within one year will be returned to the UNMCCC.
Awards will be based upon need and available funds with a $100,000 maximum (direct costs only).
Key Dates
Application Due Date - 5/15/24 and 11/15/24
Estimated Award Daes - 7/1/24 and 1/1/24
Allowable Costs
The award should be used for expenses related to the resubmission of corresponding external grant application project only. Resubmission must occur within 2 cycles. The award should be used for research activities and cannot be used for faculty salary support or for the purchase of equipment. Funding is available for salaries and fringe benefits of post-doctoral fellows, students, technicians, and other non-faculty project personnel costs. Laboratory supplies and other related research non-personnel expenses are appropriate with the exception of travel to scientific meetings, office furniture and equipment, and computers.
Proposals should be submitted in one PDF file and include the following items:
Application Components
A complete application includes the following components:
- Application Face Page (2 pages). Complete the application face page (see Pilot Application Face Page form) and be sure to include a 100 to 150 word research abstract typed in 11-point Arial font.
- Cover Letter - please include:
- Project title
- Original submission sponsor and submission date
- Expected Resubmission date
- Statement outlining the additional data/work to be performed and how it addresses the critiques from the original application and improves the changes of successful funding
- External Award “Pink Sheet”
- Budget Request and Budget Justification (using PHS398 budget forms) – this is required to set up selected awards. Download Form Page 4: Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period located at: .
- Biographical Sketches (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Biosketch for the Investigator and all Co-Investigators. A modified personal statement is not required for this application.
- Other Support Form (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Other Support form for the principal Investigator (applicant) that outlines all current and pending grant support.
* Proposals involving human subjects and/or utilizing laboratory animals must have approval from the School of Medicine HRRC and/or IACUC prior to funding.
Submission Process
- Proposals should be submitted with all of the components compiled in one PDF file. Applications must be submitted by 5PM on the due date to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu
- Application should include all listed components. Additional supportive attachments are allowed, but they must be pertinent (i.e. protocols, IRB/IACUC approvals, letters of support, etc.).
- Incomplete proposals will not be considered.
Application Review Process
Applications will be reviewed by a UNMCCC Pilot Grant Review Committee, a standing committee composed of UNMCCC senior leaders, program leaders and emerging leaders. The applications will be reviewed by two or more reviewers using the NIH 1-9 scoring system and review criteria (Significance, Investigators, Innovation, Approach and Environment). Additional review criteria considered will be relevance to and alignment with UNMCCC priorities and strategic plan and the likelihood that the requested funds will lead to a successful extramural grant application. After discussion, the applications will be assigned an overall score and ranked. The standing committee will scrutinize the proposed budget and may make recommendations to reduce the requested budget or award partial funding with remaining funding awarded based on achieving specific milestones.
Based upon this review, recommendations for funding will be made by the standing committee to the UNMCCC Executive Committee, who will make the final funding decision.
Applicants will be notified of award status following the review by Dr. Tomkinson.
Award Management
All awardees will be sent a Notice of Award letter from CC research administration. Monthly financial statements will be provided to the PI to monitor project expenses and balances. All awardees will be required to submit a progress report within 30-days of project completion. Awardees must update this information upon request from CC research administration. All funds must be spent within the 12-month period; unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. If an award is terminated for non-compliance or non-performance, remaining balances will be returned to UNMCCC. Award of additional requested funds is contingent upon receipt of progress reports and approval by Cancer Center Senior Leadership.
Change In Status Of Awardee
Awards must remain solely with the designated awardee and cannot be transferred to any other personnel. If a recipient decides to discontinue his or her work in the Cancer Center, the award will be terminated as described above, and unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. Likewise, if an investigator awardee changes institutions during the funding period, the award cannot be transferred and the remaining balance will be returned to the UNMCCC.
Expectations of Award Recipients
Recipients of these awards are expected to actively participate in UNMCCC activities such as seminars, research program and clinical working group meetings, and relevant retreats. All correspondence, such as required progress reports and requested updates, should be sent to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu.
Additionally, recipients are expected to appropriately acknowledge the pilot funding. All material derived from the research supported by UNMCCC funding that is published or presented must carry a statement that credits the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA118100 and Shared Resources, where appropriate. Publications resulting from this award fall under the NIH Public Access Policy and must obtain a valid PMCID. Publications that cite the Cancer Center Support Grant funding will be included in progress reports to NCI.
Any questions about this pilot grant program should be directed to Alan Tomkinson, Associate Director, Basic Research (atomkinson@salud.unm.edu).
Developmental Funds Mechanism to Support Investigator’s Recently Awarded External Grant Applications that were Significantly Cut
The primary purpose of this developmental funds pilot grant award mechanism is to support ÁÔÆæÖØ¿ÚComprehensive Cancer Center (UNMCCC) investigators whose recently funded, cancer-focused external grant applications had significant cuts (10% or greater) to the requested budget.
All Full Members of the UNMCCC who were awarded a cancer-focused, external peer-review funded grant with a budget cut of 10% or greater by the sponsor are eligible to apply. The UNMCCC member must also have a revised set of Specific Aims that are reduced in scope in response to the budget cut and have been approved by the sponsor. Preference will be given to grants from the NIH but other sponsors’ grants will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The review committee will consider other funding available to the PI including UNMCCC start-up funds and pilot grants when making funding decisions.
Term of Funding
These awards are intended to off-set cuts to investigator’s project made due to general across the board cuts by the sponsor (cuts due to peer-review determining a particular component or aim of the project is not scientifically sound are not eligible). These awards are for a one-year period and it is anticipated that awardees will use the funds they receive from this mechanism to facilitate the submission of additional peer-review funding applications to cover the portions of their original project that cannot be completed due to the budget cut. A second year of funding may be possible on a case-by-case basis. This will require the submission of a new application outlining progress made towards obtaining additional peer-review funding. Expenditures may begin at any time after the official start date of the funded extramural grant but all funds must be expended within one year of receipt. No cost extensions will not be allowed on this mechanism and funds not expended within one year will be returned to the UNMCCC. Failure to expend funds during a previous award period will be considered reason to not award additional funds in later years. Successful applicants are required to submit a progress report within 30-days of completing the project. Awards may be for the amount of the direct cost cut in a single year up to a maximum of $100,000. The number of projects awarded will depend upon determination of the reason for the cut and the availability of funds within the UNMCCC.
Key Dates
Calls for applications are released twice annually and will be sent to all UNMCCC members.
Application Due Date - 5/15/24 and 11/15/24
Estimated Award Announcements - 7/1/24 and 1/1/24
Allowable Costs
The award should be used for expenses related to the corresponding external grant only. It is anticipated that awardees will use the funds they receive from this mechanism to facilitate the submission of additional peer-review funding applications to cover the portions of their original project that could not be completed due to the budget cut. The award should be used for research activities and cannot be used for faculty salary support or for the purchase of large equipment. Funding is available for salaries and fringe benefits of post-doctoral fellows, students, technicians, and other non-faculty project personnel costs. Laboratory supplies and other related research non-personnel expenses are appropriate with the exception of travel to scientific meetings, office furniture and equipment, and computers.
Application Components
A complete application includes the following components:
- Application Face Page (2 pages). Complete the application face page (see Pilot Application Face Page form) and be sure to include a 100 to 150 word research abstract typed in 11-point Arial font.
- Cover Letter - please include:
- Project title
- External funding source
- Total direct costs requested and amount and percentage of cut
- Statement outlining the reduction in scope of original specific aims in response to the budget cut and how requested funds will be used to develop another grant application
- External Award “Pink Sheet”
- External Award Notice of Award
- Copy of original and revised version of the Specific Aims submitted to sponsor
- Copy of Originally Requested Budget
- Budget Request and Justification (using PHS398 budget sheets) A detailed budget and budget justification is required to set-up selected awards. (Download Form Page 4: Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period located at: )
- Biographical Sketches (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Biosketch for the Investigator and all Co-Investigators. A modified personal statement is not required for this application.
- Other Support Form (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Other Support form for the principal Investigator (applicant) that outlines all current and pending grant support.
* Proposals involving human subjects and/or utilizing laboratory animals must have approval from the School of Medicine HRRC and/or IACUC prior to funding.
Submission Process
- Proposals should be submitted with all of the components compiled in one PDF file. Applications must be submitted by 5PM on the due date to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu
- Application should include all listed components. Additional supportive attachments are allowed, but they must be pertinent (i.e. protocols, IRB/IACUC approvals, letters of support, etc.).
- Incomplete proposals will not be considered.
Application Review Process & Selection of Awardees
Applications will be reviewed by a UNMCCC Pilot Grant Review Committee, a standing committee composed of UNMCCC senior leaders, program leaders and emerging leaders. The applications will be reviewed by two or more reviewers using the NIH 1-9 scoring system and review criteria (Significance, Investigators, Innovation, Approach and Environment). Additional review criteria considered will be relevance to and alignment with UNMCCC priorities and strategic plan and the likelihood that the requested funds will lead to a successful extramural grant application. After discussion, the applications will be assigned an overall score and ranked. The standing committee will scrutinize the proposed budget and may make recommendations to reduce the requested budget or award partial funding with remaining funding awarded based on achieving specific milestones.
Based upon this review, recommendations for funding will be made by the standing committee to the UNMCCC Executive Committee, who will make the final funding decision.
Applicants will be notified of award status following the review by Dr. Tomkinson.
Award Management
All awardees will be sent a Notice of Award letter from CC research administration. Monthly financial statements will be provided to the PI to monitor project expenses and balances. All awardees will be required to submit a progress report within 30-days of project completion. Awardees must update this information upon request from CC research administration. All funds must be spent within the 12-month period; unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. If an award is terminated for non-compliance or non-performance, remaining balances will be returned to the UNMCCC.
Change In Status Of Awardee
Awards must remain solely with the designated awardee and cannot be transferred to any other personnel. If a recipient decides to discontinue his or her work in the Cancer Center, the award will be terminated as described above, and unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. Likewise, if an investigator changes institutions during the funding period, the award cannot be transferred and the remaining balance will be returned to the UNMCCC.
Expectations of Award Recipients
Recipients of these awards are expected to actively participate in UNMCCC activities such as seminars, research program and clinical working group meetings, and relevant retreats. All correspondence, such as required progress reports and requested updates, should be sent to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu.
Additionally, recipients are expected to appropriately acknowledge the pilot funding. All material derived from the research supported by UNMCCC funding that is published or presented must carry a statement that credits the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA118100 and Shared Resources, where appropriate. Publications resulting from this award fall under the NIH Public Access Policy and must obtain a valid PMCID. Publications that cite the Cancer Center Support Grant funding will be included in progress reports to NCI.
Any questions about this pilot grant program should be directed to Alan Tomkinson, Associate Director, Basic Research (atomkinson@salud.unm.edu).
2024 Cancer Center Collaboration
Sanford Burnham Prebys Cancer Center & The University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center
Dr. Yolanda Sanchez (Director, University of New Mexico Comprehensive (UNM) Cancer Center) and Dr. Ze’ev Ronai (Director, Sanford Burnham Prebys (SBP) Cancer Center) are offering a collaborative RFP for members of ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Úand SBP. The intent of the RFP is to promote and support scientific collaboration between members of our two Cancer Centers. Proposals are expected to lead to peer-reviewed multi-PI or multi-project grant submissions and/or peer-reviewed publications.
This RFP aims to encourage novel cancer research projects. Priority will be given to proposals that have a high likelihood of leading to extramural research funding.
Awards will be made for justified costs, for one year, with a cap of $100,000 direct costs. Each Cancer Center will provide up to $50,000 to their respective member(s). Up to two proposals will be funded.
Each project must have a minimum of two principal investigators with at least one (1) investigator from each Cancer Center. Please visit the websites of ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú (/cancer/research/studies/ccc-researchers.html) and SBP () to identify who you wish to collaborate with and contact the faculty member directly to engage their interest on working on the collaborative proposal.
The use of one of the unique shared resources of either institution is highly encouraged.
Projects cannot overlap with existing funded projects.
Funds may be used for the salary/benefits of the research personnel and research/laboratory supplies. Funds cannot be used to support salary/benefits of the principal investigators, equipment purchases or travel. Grant funds may not be applied to costs that are reimbursable by a third-party payor.
Eligibility Criteria/Rules
The team and project must meet the following criteria:
- Principal investigators must be a member at their respective cancer center and be eligible to serve as principal investigator on a research grant.
- The team must be comprised of at least two principal investigators with an investigator from each institution.
- Principal investigators may submit only one combined (1) proposal.
Proposal Requirements
Please follow the following format and instructions to develop your applications:
- Cover Page: Please include a cover page that lists the principal investigators of each institute, proposed team members, and a short project title. Please indicate and justify any animal or human subjects being used.
- Abstracts: Please include a scientific abstract and a lay abstract (up to 250 words for each).
- Specific Aims: Please include goals, hypotheses, the role of each PI and senior/key personnel and expected outcomes (up to one (1) page).
- Research Strategy: Should not exceed two (2) pages and includes the following sections: Significance, Approaches, Impact, and Expected Outcomes. Also include why the team believes the study will lead to rapid and tangible success in the form of funded grants and publications.
- References: No page limit. Please begin references on a new page immediately following the research strategy.
- Budget and Budget Justification: Provide a budget and justification for all major budget categories (e.g., salaries, core facilities, etc.). Please submit a budget for each institution using this .
- Biosketches: Please use the PHS 398 Biographical Sketch Form Page (rev. 10/21). Biosketch cannot exceed 5 pages.
- Other Support: Provide an Other Support page for key personnel.
- Letter of Support: If using a shared resource, please include a letter of support.
Format Specifications
- Use Arial font 11 points or higher. Figure legends may use smaller text but must be legible.
- Use at least one-half inch margins (top, bottom, left and right) for all pages.
- As applicable, figures or other materials must be inserted directly into the body of the application.
- Consecutively number the pages in the research proposal and save as a single PDF file.
- Please do not include headers or footers.
- No appendices allowed.
Application Guidelines
Applications are due by 5:00 PM on September 30, 2024, and should be sent electronically as a single pdf file to SBPCancer@sbpdiscovery.org and UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu.
Grant Review and Award Process
A peer-review committee will be formed to oversee proposal review.
An NIH-style peer-review will be used. Review criteria include innovation, study design, potential for future funding and the potential to accelerate collaborative translational projects. Applicants may be asked to address critical issues before final approval. The award recipients are expected to be announced by mid-October 2024.
SBP award recipients must submit a copy of the approved project with a Submission Routing Form to the Sponsored Research Office for compliance review before funds can be released.
Awards will not be funded until appropriate institutional approvals (e.g., IACUC/IRB) are obtained. Copies of IRB, IACUC or other institutional approvals must be submitted prior to activation of the award.
The earliest project start date will be November 1, 2024.
Progress Reporting and Citation Requirement
A progress report is due within 30 days of completion and follow-up progress report after one year of the end date of the grant; failure to provide this report will result in ineligibility for any future funding. All progress reports should include evidence of scientific interaction/collaboration, accrual data (if applicable), milestones completed, progress toward specific aims, core services used, and any grant and/or publication submissions or planned submissions.
For ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Úaward recipients, any publications, press releases, or other documents resulting from the funding must acknowledge CCSG Developmental Funds (P30CA118100) as source of support, as well as acknowledge the Shared Resources that supported the project.
For SBP award recipients, any publications, press releases, or other documents resulting from the funding must acknowledge CCSG Developmental Funds (P30 CA030199) as source of support, as well as acknowledge the Shared Resources that supported the project.
For more information about the process or proposal submission, contact SBPCancer@sbpdiscovery.org and UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu.
Translational Research Seed Funding Mechanism
Pilot Grant Award Program
The University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center (UNMCCC) competitively awards seed funding to UNMCCC members to develop cancer-relevant research projects across the full spectrum of research areas (basic, translational, pre-clinical/clinical, and population-focused research). The specific intent of the Translational Research Seed Funding is to support collaborations between research investigators and clinicians. These collaborations should focus on developing preliminary data that will enable the submission of competitive cancer-relevant external funding applications or clinical trial proposals to the NCI, other NIH institutions, or other peer-reviewed funding sponsors. Priority will be given to projects which promote inter- and/or intra-programmatic collaborations in the UNMCCC and/or have the potential to lead to translation of our science to the clinic or community.
All Full Members of the UNMCCC are eligible to apply. Other ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Úfaculty, scientists at our consortium partner LBRI and affiliated institutions (Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories), as well as faculty and staff at other academic institutions and community partners may also apply, provided a UNMCCC Full Member is included in the application as a Co-Investigator.
All applications must include a clinical investigator and a non-clinical scientist. These individuals may serve as the study PI or as a co-investigator or collaborator. Clinical investigators are faculty or fellows with an MD or MD/PhD degree. Non-clinical scientists/investigators are faculty or fellows with an MD, PhD or MD/PhD degree who have a research appointment affiliated with the UNMCCC, and include laboratory-based researchers as well as population scientists or other Cancer Center members.
Key Dates
Calls for applications are released twice annually and will be sent to all UNMCCC members.
Letter of Intent Due Date - May 15, 2024
Notification of project selection for further development - June 15, 2024
Consultation with TSI director and biostatistician for development of project aims and budget; regulatory submissions - July-Sept 2024
Anticipated start of funding period* - October 1, 2024
*Proposals involving human subjects and/or utilizing laboratory animals must have approval from the School of Medicine HRRC and/or IACUC prior to funding.
Terms of Funding & Allowable Costs
The application process for these funds includes a period of project development in collaboration with the directors of the Translational Science Initiative and the UNMCCC Biostatistics Shared Resource to define the scope of the project and to obtain budget recommendations. Funds will be distributed following submission of the revised specific aims and research outlines developed through this second phase of the application process, which includes development and approval of a final study budget.
Research project funding awards will be for a one-year period. The budget will be developed in consultation with the TSI and Biostatistics directors and should be reflective of the individual project’s needs up to a maximum budget of $25,000 (direct costs only). Funding is available for salaries and fringe benefits of post-doctoral fellows, students, technicians, and other non-faculty project personnel costs. The use of UNMCCC Shared Resources is encouraged. Laboratory supplies and other related research non-personnel expenses are appropriate. Funds cannot be used for faculty salary support, the purchase of large equipment, travel to scientific meetings (local research travel is allowed), office furniture and equipment, and/or computers.
Requests for a second year of funding (either with or without additional funds) will be considered based upon progress during the initial funding period and availability of funds. Expenditures may begin at any time after the official start date, but generally all funds should be expended within one year of receipt. Extensions will only be granted under extraordinary circumstances. Successful applicants are required to submit a progress report within 30-days of completing the project and must provide updates to the UNMCCC as requested about any publications and/or grants resulting from the pilot grant support for up to 5 years from the pilot project end date. The number of awards will depend on quality of applications and the availability of funds but we estimate that two projects per funding period will be selected for development.
Application Components & Submission Process
A complete application includes the following components:
- Application Face Page (2 pages). Complete the application face page (see Pilot Application Face Page form)
- Letter of Intent (1 page). A brief description of the goals of the project focusing on the research question being addressed and the potential for clinical translation.
- Biographical Sketches and Description of the Research Team (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Biosketch for the PI and other key members of the project. Modified personal statements are not necessary for this application, however please submit a separate page outlining the roles of each member of the study team.
- Other Support Form (current NIH format) Provide a complete NIH Other Support form for both the clinical and non-clinical Co-I’s that outlines all current and pending grant support.
Proposals should be submitted with all of the components compiled in one PDF file. Applications must be submitted by 5PM on the due date to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu
The final Project Proposal, Budget and Budget Justification will be developed in collaboration with the directors of the TSI and the Biostatistics Shared Resource for selected projects, identified upon review of the initial application materials.
Application Review Process
The applications will be reviewed by the leadership of the Translational Science Initiative in consultation with other ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Úfaculty with appropriate expertise to evaluate the research project. The review criteria will be:
- Likelihood that the application will facilitate new and sustainable collaborations between research scientists and clinical investigators, or the development of new and sustainable inter-programmatic collaborations.
- Scientific merit with a focus on significance, innovation, impact, and translational potential
- Cancer relevance
- Alignment of the proposed research with the overall goals of the UNMCCC and its research programs
- Potential for success in securing future peer-reviewed funding for the project.
The review committee will make recommendations for funding to the Cancer Center Director.
Award Management
All awardees will be sent a Notice of Award letter from CC research administration. Monthly financial statements will be provided to the PI to monitor project expenses and balances. All awardees will be required to submit a progress report within 30-days of project completion and to schedule a presentation of their work as part of the UNMCCC Oncology Grand Rounds series. Awardees must update progress report information upon request from CC research administration. All funds must be spent within the 12-month period; unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. If an award is terminated for non-compliance or non-performance, remaining balances will be returned to the UNMCCC. Award of additional requested funds is contingent upon receipt of progress reports and approval by UNMCCC Senior Leadership.
Change in Status of Awardee
Awards must remain solely with the designated awardee and cannot be transferred to any other personnel. If a recipient decides to discontinue his or her work in the Cancer Center, the award will be terminated as described above, and unused funds will be returned to the UNMCCC. Likewise, if an investigator awardee changes institutions during the funding period, the award cannot be transferred and the remaining balance will be returned to the UNMCCC.
Expectations of Award Recipients
Recipients of these seed fund awards are expected to actively participate in project development in consultation with the TSI and members of the Biostatistics Shared Resource. Full projects will be presented by the research team as part of the ongoing UNMCCC Oncology Grand Rounds series at the end of the funding period to allow participants to share results with Cancer Center members. Recipients of these awards are expected to actively participate in UNMCCC activities such as seminars, research program and clinical working group meetings, and relevant retreats. All correspondence, such as required progress reports and requested updates, should be sent to UNMCC-PilotProgram@salud.unm.edu.
Additionally, recipients are expected to appropriately acknowledge the pilot funding. All material derived from the research supported by UNMCCC funding that is published or presented must carry a statement that credits the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA118100 and Shared Resources, where appropriate. Publications that result from these awards must abide by the NIH Public Access Policy and obtain a valid PMCID. Publications that cite the Cancer Center Support Grant funding will be included in progress reports to NCI.
Any questions about this pilot grant program should be directed to Sarah Adams, Associate Director, Translational Research (SAdams@salud.unm.edu).