Public School Health Project

The medically fragile population continues to age and enter both public and private school systems. Family and case manager advocacy has resulted in transitioning many technology-assisted children into neighborhood schools.

Smooth transitions begin with meaningful, child centered conversations between parents, school staff and providers. Nurse Case Managers from MFCMP help facilitate these discussions.

Transition Worksheet

The Transition Worksheet [PDF] was developed by partners to start conversations. The tool helps:

  • Guide a discussion regarding the student
  • Assists in identifying who should be brought on to the team to support the student, family and staff
  • Provides a framework for understanding barriers that need to be addressed by the team
  • Provides a timeline for completion


In order to have enough time to address areas of need, transition planning should begin 6-9 months before actual transition occurs. This may be well before the scheduled IEP is due. This extra time is necessary to accommodate the needs of the student who is medically fragile.

Contact Us

Get more information on becoming a partner, receiving training or transitioning your child.


Providing for the complex needs of the student requires a multi-disciplinary team approach that addresses both academic and medical needs. Partners develop a plan for staffing, training and building an environment that ensures students can safely access their education.

Our Partners Include:

  • The Family Advisory Board (FAB Brochure [PDF])
  • Registered Nurse Case Managers, Medically Fragile Case Management Program

Opportunities for Improvement

Families described the challenges their children face when accessing the educational system.

  • “We live in a rural area and the school district does not have the personnel to address her needs.”
  • “We met with the school personnel and they did not seem to understand her needs.”
  • “(She) is not in school due to safety and supervision issues with school staff.”
  • “I would like to observe the school programs and find out about having a nurse with him if I let (him) go to school.”
  • “School staff was fearful of G-Tube button and whole procedure involved with feeding.”
  • “Would like to send her to school but I am fearful she will get sick and lead to her death.”
  • “Lack of services."
  • “I love his current school and I’m worried about him receiving appropriate services through APS when he transitions there for first grade.”

Discussions with school staff revealed that teachers worried about having the staffing and skills to provide the complex medical care these students require. Staff have said:

  • “I am a teacher, not a nurse. I don’t feel comfortable performing these tasks.”
  • “How can I be an effective teacher if I am providing nursing care?”
  • “Transition to regular school not done in a timely manner.”